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What to Expect from Twitter in 2023

Written by Jasper (AI) | Jan 9, 2023 2:59:00 PM

Twitter has become an essential part of our lives and its influence is likely to grow even more over the coming years. As we look towards 2023, what can we expect from this popular social media platform? 


First, it’s likely that Twitter will continue to expand its suite of features. In 2021, they introduced Fleets - a way for users to post short-form content that disappears after 24 hours. It’s easy to imagine other new features being added as Twitter continues to innovate and evolve. For example, they could introduce a new way for users to curate their content or an enhanced search tool allowing users to find posts on specific topics even easier. 




Second, there may be some changes in how brands use Twitter in the future. Twitter is already a great tool for businesses looking to reach out to potential customers but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. For instance, they might introduce more sophisticated tools allowing businesses to better track the effectiveness of their campaigns or give them more accurate insights into user behaviour. 





Third, Twitter is likely going to invest heavily in artificial intelligence (AI). This technology can help them improve user experience by constantly learning and adjusting based on user behaviour. AI also makes it easier for users to discover relevant content and allows them to filter out irrelevant posts or spammy accounts. 





Fourth, as technology continues advancing exponentially, it’s likely that augmented reality (AR) will become more widespread in 2023 too – including within the realms of Twitter. AR gives us the ability superimpose digital objects onto the physical world; this could make conversations on Twitter much more engaging since people could interact with virtual objects shared by other users in real time. 




Finally, we can expect even further integration between different platforms like Instagram and Facebook with Twitter in 2023 too; this could mean a much smoother overall experience when using multiple social networks at once. For example, users may be able to post videos from Instagram directly onto their timelines without having to switch between apps or copy/paste links manually all the time. 



The bottom line: as we move closer towards 2023, there are many exciting possibilities ahead when it comes to what we can expect from Twitter – not only with new features but also with improved functionality across different platforms and deeper integration with AI and AR technologies too!