Inbound SEO, Sales, Service and Marketing Blog | Ability Growth Partners

Throwback Thursday Circa 1958

Written by Adam Singer | Nov 16, 2017 2:00:00 PM

In the last years of my father's life he digitized slides he had made between 1950 and 2012. Some of them feel historic, many of them are deeply nostalgic, and a ton of them are just plain cool. I'm going to try to share one a week for a while to see if people are interested.

Here's a picture of Barry Vishny, a friend of my father's in 1958. A quick Google search shows that this 15 year old boy grew up to become Dr. Barry Vishny and eventually moved from Chicago to Duarte, CA. Sadly, it seems Dr. Vishny passed away at just 45 years of age:

The image was taken in 1958 with Barry Vishny in front of what appears to be the Chrysler Building. If anyone from the Vishny family would like to contact me about this image, I am more than happy to share it along with any others my father may have taken in those years.

This blog is really about how to get more leads and revenue through SEO and by building a business that adds more value than its competitors. Slides from the 1950s may seem a bit unexpected here, but here's why I am sharing them here:

  1. They are super cool, fun to share and I hope you will enjoy seeing them too
  2. Anything that brings traffic to my site is ultimately good for my SEO, and that is good for my business.
  3. I'm delighted to offer content people enjoy. If it brings more business to my company, great. If not, I am happy to have brighten someone's day a bit with some really neat images.
