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Adam Singer

Adam Singer began programming for the World Wide Web in 1998 while working as an Informational Specialist for the Bureau of National Affairs, a Fortune 500 publishing company based in Washington, DC. In 2001 Adam became the Marketing and Communications Director for Jetro Platforms, a server-based computing software manufacturer. In 2011 Adam founded AJ Singer Studios, an Internet Marketing company based in Savannah, GA. In 2015 Adam formed Ability SEO as a full service marketing agency specializing in using SEO, social media, and e-mail marketing to get more visitors, leads and customers

Stories by Adam


The Essence of SEO

SEO is not complicated, just misunderstood. This is its essence.

Google Search

The Internet is Shrinking

Even though there is ever more information online, our interest in discovering new information and sources for it is shrinking.

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